Wholesale Products List

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The Shell Store

L-121 Cowrie Carved

L-002 Grey Bonnet

L-104 Emerald Moon Carved

L-104 Emerald Moon Polished

L-042 Wide Mouth Conch

L-037 Lacinated conch

L-103 Beach Cone

L-202 Textile

L-041 Red Mouth Frog

L-033 Frog Shell

L-211 Sunburst Carrier

L-006 Harp Shell

L-062 Triton Black Spotted

L-049 Spider Conch, Large

L-074 Horned Helmet Large
L-034 Horned Helmet Medium

L-079 Murex, Ram's Medium
L-080 Murex, Ram's Large

L-020 Melon shell

L044 Melon Shell

L-024 Keychains 'w' Florida
L-056 Keychains 'w' palms and dolphins

L-043 Wavy Spindle

L-110 Shark Jaw

L-009 Shell Horn

L-123 Purse, shell large

L-122 Purse, shell small

L-105 River Clam, Large

L-058 River Clam, small

L-106 Trochus, X-Large

L-003 Tapestry Turban
L-125 Turban with Florida carved
L-126 Carved tapestry

L-099 Turbo, green & brown

L-209 Sundial


L-018 Turtle, Florida

L-019 Turtle Small assorted

L-013 Shell Ship (Medium)

L-203 Shell Ship (Mini)

L-052 Noble Volute Large

L-221 Polished
L-221P Ring Polished


Shells from South Africa 

B-001  Abalone, copper

B-005  Abalone, White

B-007  Abalone, Natural polished

B-009  Turbo, Copper

B-217  Turbo, Platinum

B-011  Turbo, Polished

B-215  Turbo, sarmaticus gold

B-219  Turbo, sarmaticus xsm

These products are for businesses for resale, you will be required to provide business name, address
and current re-sale tax certificate. email to shells@theshellstore.com
for the current wholesale pricelist. The Shell Store stands behind all of it's products and if you receive something
 that you don't feel is as described we will replace it. We offer competitive prices and feel as though our products are
better than the competition. Please contact us today and you will see how well these products sell.
Orders of $200.00 or more will receive additional merchandise to offset shipping.

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Wholesale Mirrors and Frames


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